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 Harold's Personal Falcon transporter, the Black Bird

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2 posters

Posts : 32
Credits : 39
Experience : 0
Join date : 2011-07-01
Age : 29
Location : In a Falcon, awaiting deployment for a stealth mission

Harold's Personal Falcon transporter, the Black Bird Empty
PostSubject: Harold's Personal Falcon transporter, the Black Bird   Harold's Personal Falcon transporter, the Black Bird I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 1:36 pm

Type of Aircraft


Name of Aircraft

The Black Bird

Description of Appearance

Extremely dark black in color, dual rotors on wingtips than provide lift. Cockpit has one pilot with thick glass, and heavy steel manufacturing allows the vehicle to take lots of fire from light weapons.

Any and All Weapons

2 stationary gun turrets by the slide doors than shoot a high rate of fire. Passengers who are armed inside the vehicle are also capable of firing, but this is rarely used.

Storied Example

Harold looked out of his transport vehicle, the Black Bird, and saw a massive structure. It was an ancient forerunner building that they had needed to land on. The pilot looked over at it, then turned to Harold. "Sir, we have found our landing point. I'll let you down here, nice and slowly." Harold saw the water trench around the building being blown from the rotors of the Black Bird. As the vehicle landed, Harold jumped out and cocked his Battle Rifle. Turning to the pilot, he gave him a thumbs up, and said "Ok, I'll go and recruit some marines on the fourth level, I'll call you when we are ready!" The pilot nodded and smiled, then said over his communicator "Roger that, Spartan Harold, good luck!" And with that, he took off, the Black Bird turning in the opposite direction in mid-air, then taking off into the clouds above. Harold turned to the building, then went down the ladder to the 2nd level.

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Posts : 51
Credits : 78
Experience : 4
Join date : 2011-06-28
Age : 27
Location : Inside Castle Base

Harold's Personal Falcon transporter, the Black Bird Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harold's Personal Falcon transporter, the Black Bird   Harold's Personal Falcon transporter, the Black Bird I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 5:34 pm

Nice, we now have our first air vehicle. I myself will soon be making one, and this one will definately rival its potential. So without further ado.......

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Harold's Personal Falcon transporter, the Black Bird
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